upload-generic-shrub(arg0: dma-buffer, arg1: generic-shrub-fragment, arg2: int, arg3: int) => dma-buffersource
billboard: drawablesource
drawable-inline-array-instance-shrub: drawable-inline-arraysource
drawable-tree-instance-shrub: drawable-treesource
type: type
id: int16
bsphere: vector
length: int16
data: drawable
colors-added: time-of-day-palette
generic-shrub-fragment: drawablesource
instance-shrub-dma: structuresource
instance-shrub-work: structuresource
dummy: qword
chaina: qword
chainb: qword
colors: rgba
matrix-tmpl: qword
count-tmpl: vector4w
mscalf-tmpl: dma-packet
mscalf-ret-tmpl: dma-packet
adgif-tmpl: dma-gif-packet
billboard-tmpl: dma-gif-packet
billboard-const: vector
shrub-near-packets: shrub-near-packet
dma-ref: dma-packet
dma-end: dma-packet
wind-const: vector
constants: vector
color-constant: vector4w
hmge-d: vector
hvdf-offset: vector
wind-force: vector
color: vector
bb-color: vector
min-dist: vector
temp-vec: vector
guard-plane: plane
plane: plane
last: uint32
next: uint32
count: uint16
mod-count: uint16
wind-vectors: uint32
instance-ptr: uint32
chain-ptr: uint32
chain-ptr-next: uint32
stack-ptr: uint32
bucket-ptr: uint32
src-ptr: uint32
to-spr: uint32
from-spr: uint32
shrub-count: uint32
node: uint32
length: uint32
prototypes: uint32
start-bank: uint8
buffer-index: uint32
current-spr: uint32
current-mem: uint32
current-shrub-near-packet: uint32
dma-buffer: basic
near-last: uint32
near-next: uint32
near-count: uint32
last-shrubs: uint32
chains: uint32
flags: uint32
paused: basic
node-count: uint32
inst-count: uint32
wait-from-spr: uint32
wait-to-spr: uint32
instance-shrubbery: instancesource
prototype-generic-shrub: drawable-groupsource
prototype-shrubbery: drawable-inline-arraysource
prototype-trans-shrubbery: prototype-shrubberysource
shrub-near-packet: structuresource
matrix-tmpl: dma-packet
header-tmpl: dma-packet
stq-tmpl: dma-packet
color-tmpl: dma-packet
vertex-tmpl: dma-packet
mscal-tmpl: dma-packet
init-tmpl: dma-packet
init-data: uint32
shrub-view-data: structuresource
data: uint128
texture-giftag: gs-gif-tag
consts: vector
fog-clamp: vector
tex-start-ptr: int32
gifbufsum: float
mtx-buf-ptr: int32
exp23: float
fog-0: float
fog-1: float
fog-min: float
fog-max: float
shrubbery: drawablesource
shrubbery-login-post-texture(obj: shrubbery) => nonesource
Copies adgif shader crap to somewhere
*shrub-state*: intsource
draw-drawable-tree-instance-shrub(arg0: drawable-tree-instance-shrub, arg1: level) => nonesource
mem-usage-shrub-walk(arg0: draw-node, arg1: int, arg2: memory-usage-block, arg3: int) => draw-nodesource
Recursively iterate through the entire shrub tree and compute memory usage for instances.
shrub-do-init-frame(arg0: dma-buffer) => symbolsource
Generate DMA to initialize the shrubbery renderer on VU1.
shrub-init-frame(arg0: dma-buffer, arg1: gs-test) => nonesource
Generate DMA to initialize to shrubbery renderer VU1 and GS.
shrub-init-view-data(arg0: shrub-view-data) => symbolsource
Initialize shrubbery constants in place
shrub-make-perspective-matrix(arg0: matrix) => matrixsource
Compute the matrix used by the shrubbery VU1 program.
shrub-num-tris(arg0: shrubbery) => uintsource
Get the number of triangles in a shrubbery fragment.
shrub-time(arg0: int, arg1: int, arg2: int, arg3: int, arg4: int) => intsource
shrub-upload-model(arg0: shrubbery, arg1: dma-buffer, arg2: int) => symbolsource
Generate DMA to upload a shrub model
shrub-upload-view-data(arg0: dma-buffer) => symbolsource
Generate DMA data to upload shrubbery constants to VU1.